Hawaii 5K - Registration Form

Instructions: Please print this form, fill out the information carefully and completely, and sign the waiver. Mail this registration form and your payment to the address below or drop it off in person. Please use a separate form for each entry.

Mail To:Shoreline Christian Center
The Hawaii 5K Run & Fun Walk, Attn: Sports Ministry
15201 Burnet Rd., Austin, TX 78728

Deadline: We will accept registration entries up to Race Day (race day registration fee applies), but we encourage you to register by Thursday, July 12 so that we'll have your packet ready before designated Packet Pickup.

_______________________________,  _________________________________
Last NameFirst Name


___________________  ____________________  _________________________

_______________________________  __________________________________
Daytime Phone No.Evening Phone No.

__________  _______________  ________________________________________
AgeMale / FemaleEmail Address

   ___ Medium
   ___ Large
   ___ X-Large
   ___ $12.00 for Adults
   ___ $8.00 for Kids under 12

Waiver   — You must sign the waiver to participate in this race.
In consideration of your acceptance of this entry form, I hereby release the sponsors, officials, owners of facilities used for this race and any and all groups, people or facilities connected with the Hawaii 5K Run/Walk for any and all injuries by me at said race. I further certify that I am physically fit to participate in the run/walk.

Please Sign Your Name
Please Print Your Name
For Admin. Use Only